Euro-Climhist Database

We have updated the layout of the Euro-Climhist database on the website and added some new content. The functionality of the database application has not changed. If you have any questions or comments, please contact

Access to Euro-Climhist is public and free of charge. A one-off registration is required to access the database. You must also choose your own user name and password.

Standard users receive a starting credit of 20,000 hits for testing purposes. After that, access allows up to 10,000 hits per week. The query results appear without a detailed citation and without the full text of the source.

Scientific users have unrestricted access to the data and can also retrieve detailed references and the full text of the source.

The user category academic user includes employees at universities (researchers and students), archives, museums and other non-commercial research institutes as well as teachers and students in the context of school research projects and employees of cooperation partners. When registering as a scientific user, access as a standard user is initially granted automatically, while activation as a scientific user is checked personally by the Euro-Climhist team. Please allow a few working days for this.

I am interested in past weather and climate and would like to get a standard access:
Register as standard user...

I am a scholar (university, college of applied sciences, archive, museum, research project at school) and would like to get extended access to the Euro-Climhist database:
Register as scientific user...
